kokaa's blog

Sunday, June 25, 2006

once upon a dreamy day...

Friday, June 16, 2006

Leopoldskron - Austria

Leopoldskron castle was the summer home of a prince archbishop... it now houses a university faculty and is open to public just once a year!

In sound of music, the front exterior of the castle was used as the Trapp family home…

the lake freezes over in winter, making it ideal for ice skating...

the Von Trapp kiddos falls into the water, while boating in the lake...

time to sleep...

“and its time to sleep” were the words that kicked started our forensic medicine lectures… as the lights dimmed, the first slide read “welcome to torture and torment!” of course it was a joke! the lecture continued with his numerous anecdotes and hilarious (enlightening) videos… it was anything but torture!

At the end of class we were asked to read the 2nd chapter of Death n Deduction (“a vade mecum of forensic medicine” – A. Jay Chapman MD). It was understood that we were also to read “all prior material!”. how hard could it be?

Running out of the basic science building with our white coats fluttering in the wind and a bright yellow Death and Deduction clutched close to us, we finally felt like third years!

Since the day I set foot in uni, thaana and I’ve been looking forward to his lectures, though some of our friends dreaded them… they still do! he's notorious for pop quizzes and the works... in vain, I’ve been trying to convince them that he is as harmless as a cuddly old bear can get! :d

A little about him – A Jay Chapman is a Forensic pathologist who was involved in establishing a complete, statewide medico legal investigative system in Oklahoma, he has worked in the coroner system in England and other coroner systems in the United States, and at the institute of Forensic Medicine of the Royal Thai Police Department in Bangkok, where he was also Consultant Forensic Pathologist. Lucky for us, he spends a good part of the year teaching Forensic Medicine at our institute. He’s been doing so for the last 8 eight years.

01:15 am saw us (thaana, hosim and I) sitting cross legged (AND cross eyed :P ) in my room. On our laps we had torment and torture disguised as Death n Deduction. One word described our state – exhaustion! He wasn’t kidding! He sure did usher us into torture chamber!

Few words… thank you, thaana, hosim n ashish! Without you guys uni life wud’ve been utterly boring n hard, at times…

Friday, June 02, 2006
