kokaa's blog

Sunday, July 23, 2006

crush vs common cold

Apart from the letters these words start with, there are quite a few similarities I observed… to begin with, however much you try to stop their progression they will continue to run their course and are self limiting… as the saying goes; if you treat a cold its cured in a week and if you don’t, you get rid of it in seven days!!! Likewise given a few days in the absence of stimuli a ‘crush’ smothers n dies… and has low malignant potency… similar to colds which could proceed to become more deadly respiratory tract infections in the presence of adequate stimuli…

And they are both uninvited n is nothing but a nuisance!

oh well... everyone is entitled to their opinions!!


  • You mean like the way a baby is medically considered a parasite?

    By Blogger M, at 9:20 AM  

  • ya.. something like that... i wrote a poem once, something along the lines of babies being parasites...

    By Blogger kokaa, at 8:12 PM  

  • M sux!

    cold is the best time to enjoy a good depression.. dont know about crushes.. i dont crush.

    By Blogger rxs, at 10:06 AM  

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